Whats in a name?

We obviously work with a number of companies who have an amazing variety of names.  These company names include ones based on the company location, or trying to be the first in address list using different words beginning with the letter ‘A’, or a fictitious word that sort of sounds useful, or someone’s name or initials or even different kinds of fruit!

What is the service given called:

We think of nCall as being for Telephone Answering Services but in reality our customers have a wide variety of names of the service they offer.  These include:

  • Telephone Answering Service (obviously)
  • Inbound Call Center
  • Virtual Receptionist
  • Virtual Assistants
  • Service Office
  • Business Centre
  • Call Answering Service
  • Virtual PA
  • Virtual Office
  • Communications Centre
  • Message Dispatch
  • Alarm Monitoring Business
  • Inbound Phone Handling Service
  • After Hours Service
  • Call Handling Service

Can you think of any other ways of describing the service offered? 

Website and SEO

Of all those options above have you considered what the (wo)man in the street is going to Google for?  Have you optimised your website for those terms?  (We are trying to do just that and hence why we made this blog post!)