PDF call log report

Branded PDF call logs in nCall v4.1

In v4.1 of nCall as well as creating CSV call logs, nCall now supports branded PDF call log generation:

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This enhancement to nCall means you can now provide your clients with brandable PDF attachments detailing their calls in the billing period.  These PDF reports can be styled to meet your needs, a service nSolve provides, this can include your graphics, your layouts, any summary data, even data graphs.

The current CSV call logs are maintained for those clients who want to import their call logs for further analysis.

A further enhancement in nCall v4.1 is support for macros in the form output paths:


This modification helps in reducing the burden of creating PDF and CSV files for the end client.  

These two modifications help you delivery your call logs in a professional stylish manner that re-enforces your branding.