nCall v4 – performance, security and resilience.

nCall v4, the result of nearly 2 years work by nSolve, is a significant rework of the suite bringing performance, security and resilience and use of latest compiler technology to the nCall suite.

nCall Client Offline Mode:
This two minute video is a demonstration of the nCall program handling a hiccup in connectivity with the nCall Hub.  It shows how operators can continue to handle calls and take messages even with the nCall Hub being unreachable.   These calls and messages are then uploaded to the nCall Hub once connectivity is restored.  A significant feature of nCall v4 which we hope our nCall users do not need to use!

nCall v4 Offline mode demo

nCall Hub v4 – security and performance:
v4 nCall and the v4 nCall Hub allow connections to be made using SSL certificates, this will mean in the future the need for a private network connection (VPN) can be removed simplifying further the IT administration.

Built in web-browser updated:
With nCall v3 the inbuilt browser, used for web forms etc, was based on Internet Explorer.  nCall v4 now uses the Edge Browser allowing more modern website and scripts to be supported, along with security and performance improvements.

Built in RichEdit control updated:
RichEdit built in support for URLs e.g. dial:, open:, dialbox:, contact: etc has been updated to support the latest MS-Windows RichEdit visual control.  Also fixing some formatting issues.

Rebuilt with newer development tools
While invisible to our users, nCall is now developed using a more modern compiler.  This will help ensure the long-term support of the programs.  With this conversion completed we plan to return to our usual faster pace of new feature developments for the benefit of all of our customer new and old.

Other modifications include:
* Buzz reports if audio changes are detected since last use of nCall
* Buzz ring tone can be directed to a different audio device
* Buzz security enhancements to encrypt audio calls and verify the server TLS certificates.
* Ability to kick a user from nCall has been added, to free up a used licence or to ensure a retired operator no longer has any nCall data access.
* Longer greeting messages now supported
* and various other minor fixes and improvements

nCall v4 will be released Jan 2023.  

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